Welcome to WORKWELL


Within ten years of diagnosis, half of employed people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) have to stop working. However, many employed people with arthritis don’t get advice on what can be done to help them stay in work.  We are testing a work rehabilitation programme (the WORKWELL programme) for employed people with Inflammatory Arthritis who are having problems at work due to arthritis.

WORKWELL includes a work assessment, identifying priority work problems, recommending work solutions, job modifications and giving advice and training on self-management at work. A work site visit may be conducted to see the person working and meet with their employer/ line manager to discuss any changes to their work to make it easier. 

We want to see if WORKWELL reduces employed people with Inflammatory Arthritis problems at work, their risk of losing their job and if it is cost-effective. We are asking employed people with Inflammatory Arthritis attending Rheumatology out-patient or Therapy clinics at 18 sites across the country to take part.  Participants will get written work self-help information. Half will also get individualized advice and support (for about 4.5 hours spread over 3 to 4 months) from a WORKWELL-trained therapist to help resolve their work issues. Participants complete study questionnaires (in their own time) when they: start in the trial, 6 and 12 months later. 


Begin by completing our quick Work Stability self-assessment to gauge your support needs.

If you’ve already completed the Work Stability assessment, we invite you to register or
log in to access the Determine Your Needs At Work assessment. This will enable you to receive personalised solutions tailored to your needs. These will be available under your dashboard for as and when you need to revisit personalised solutions.

Begin by completing our quick Work Stability self-assessment to gauge your support needs.

If you've already completed the Work Stability assessment, we invite you to register or log in to access the Determine Your Needs At Work assessment. This will enable you to receive personalised solutions tailored to your needs. These will be available under your dashboard for as and when you need to revisit personalised solutions.

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man working on a laptop computer


How do I access WORKWELL?

The WORKWELL programme is FREE and provides full access to self-help resources without the need for registration. 

Browse the website to access valuable resources, support and guidance for managing your condition at work. 

If you’re looking for tailored advice specific to your circumstances, simply register and complete the series of self-assessments. We’ll then be able to identify your specific workplace challenges and offer targeted solutions. 

Explore the WORKWELL Solutions

Use our dynamic search filters to rapidly find suggestions and solutions to major Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms and problems. You can use this platform to self-manage without logging in but if you want to be able to save resources and get tailored solutions. you’ll need to register.

The latest news from WORKWELL

nurse comforting a patient with inflammatory arthritis

Research into Work and Arthritis

Find out about the latest research studies exploring work and arthritis.

mechanics with inflammatory arthritis working on a car engine

Latest News

Here you can access the latest news, discussions, podcasts and events on work and arthritis taking place online and near you.

construction worker with inflammatory arthritis at a job site

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Would you like to get involved with research into work and arthritis? We are keen to hear from you. Find out ways in which you can get involved.

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